Your kids are safe on

The issues surrounding privacy and information gathering on the Internet are complex. If for any reason the following details of our privacy practices are not clear to you, please contact us.

It is the opinion of this organization and all sites under which we operate that our site visitors provide a trust in us through their visits alone. If we are compelled to gather information of any sort about them, it is our policy to disclose what we are doing and why. In addition, we adhere to the following policies:

– Many features of our sites are designed and geared for children of all ages. It is the policy of our organization to comply fully with the laws of the United States in regards to privacy for minors online. The Child Online Privacy Protection Act stipulates that any personally identifiable information collected by users under the age of 13 must only be collected after written consent from parents or guardians. Our site features are designed specifically to avoid collecting such information.

– We collect and utilize statistical information from our site users continually. This information typically consists of customary tracking data common to Internet businesses: user browser types, IP addresses, referring URLs, and the like. None of these contain personally identifiable information. This information helps us to improve web site design for more efficient presentation.

– Personal information submitted to us through newsletter subscriptions, contests, site features, purchases, submissions, registrations, chat rooms, message forums, gift registries, tell-a-friend site recommendation programs, surveys and polls, awards applications or any other site feature requiring user input is kept privately within our organization in order to fulfill the function of those features. This information is never sold. Any site user has the opportunity to opt out of programs or subscriptions submitted through any of our sites.

– Information is the currency of the Internet. But it is NOT our business. We will not ever gather and sell information to any entity or for any purpose.

As our organization grows and as new technologies emerge we anticipate there may be new privacy issues to address in the future. For that reason, we reserve the right to amend this policy. Any changes to this policy will be well publicized to our site users in clear language.